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  People tend to have to different expectations out of a job, like personal satisfaction, higher pay, respect, and social recognition. Some people prefer to work long hours to pursue a higher salary while others tend to hold on a average paying job with normal work hours. If I have to face these two choices, I tend to choose to take a job with normal pay but more free time based on the following reasons.

  Admittedly, monetary reward is indeed one of primary motivation to pursue a career, one needs money to cover daily expenses like room and board, utility bills, buy medical insurance, without money it is impossible for someone to live a decent life. However, it is not monetary benefit that gives an individual great personal satisfactions. Research that is done by lots of well-established professor in psychiatry has shown that the freedom to allocate your time and your intimacy with friends and families guarantee great personal happiness and satisfactions.

  First off, spending too much time and working overtime can add more pressure and stress to one personal life and jeopardize their health. Lots of jobs are sedentary, like secretaries, lawyers, clerks, which pose great threat to their physical healthy. They might get dizzy, backache, and lack of energy. Other professions are even more competitive and intense, like stock broker, financial analyst who have to stare at a computer screen for more than 10 hours a day. It is not surprising to hear someone who has worked for 14 hours a day and several days in a row and eventually suffer from cardiac sudden death. It is clear that working overtime pose great threat to employees' healthy, which leads to sloppy working habits and negative attitude. The most unwanted scenario is the lack of morale in a professional environment. On the other hand, working normal hours makes the individual employee happier in their personal life and more productive in the working place.

  Additionally, working overtime means that the individual will have to  sacrifice much of their spare time devoted to boring and repetitive work. There are more meaningful stuff to do than working day and night, for instance, by choosing working normal hours one can develop a new skill or hobby, like learning how to play piano, play golf with a friend. Besides, working normal hours makes it possible for individuals to spend some quality with their families and maintaining a harmonious bond with families can be very important. Not only does good to the individual's mental health, but also it will make one more productive in a professional setting.

  In conclusion, it is more advisable to work average hours with normal pay than otherwise since more flexibility in working schedule means more quality time with families and friends, great personal satisfaction and productivity in working place and lower risk of physical and mental problems.

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本文标题:2018专八作文范文:想要高薪但是工作时间长的工作吗 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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