

阅读 :


  * Where Old Sick People Go?

  It is traditional custom for Chinese old, sick people to live with their children and their grandchildren. But in recent decades, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. More and more old and sick parents were placed in the nursing homes. Although many people frown on it, I don’t think it is a bad tendency.

  For the sake of their health, old and sick people are better off being placed in nursing homes. For there they can receive better service and more intensive care of the professional nurses. On the contrary, living in the home they often can’t be taken proper care of as their adult children are often too busy with their own families and their work to give adequate time to them. Most importantly, the old and sick people will be much happier there than at home. As their adult children go to work and grandchildren to school during the day, they have to spend most of the time with themselves. But in nursing homes for elderly they won’t suffer such boredom and loneliness. They can have people of their age to talk and play all day.

  It is true that the young have the duty to take care of their parents, especially when they are old and sick. But sending the old and sick to the nursing home is not an act of abandonment, but a sign of love. It is something like sending your baby to the kindergarten. It can reduce adult’s burden and worries about their old and sick parents.








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