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  1) Of the two things in question, I prefer/favor/give more weight to/endorse the first (second)/the former (latter).

  2) If it is up to me to make a choice (between both), I would rather choose...over...
  (e.g. If it were up to me to make a choice between both in the event of betrayal of one's country, I would rather choose death over life.)

  3) Since neither of the two things can be perfect in.../work effectively / come up to...(the required standard), the best/only/ideal course open to sb. is to...
  (e.g. Since neither of the two measures can be perfect in the solution to the problem of cheating in exams, the best course open to us is to combine the two measures with other possible solutions.)

  4) In view of the fact that there are obvious/serious drawbacks/weakness e s in either of the things in question, I advocate/endorse...(或insist/maintain/h old that...)
  (e.g. In view of the fact that there are serious drawbacks in either of the suggestions, I insist that full play should be given to each other's advantages for our purpose.)

  5) As seen from the above comparison, the first (second) thing is prefer able/more favorable (desirable) (或the first/second thing has more to recommend it), but it should suck advantage out of the other for the sake of perfection.

  6) From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely/reasonably conclude that...
  从以上对比和比较可以看出,任何人都可以准确推断出/不无道理地得出结论,即…… (e.g. ...that travelling by car can offer him a greater privilege (chance) of getting to know natural conditions and social customs of places on his way.)

  7) When the advantages and disadvantages (the pros and cons of both are weighed in terms of...(on the basis of.../in the light of...), don't you think/agree that...(agree to/favor...)?
  (e.g. terms of actual results, don't you agree that the latter is a better way of learning?)

  8) Therefore/In conclusion/To sum up, it is because of the unique/substantial/manifold advantages/superiority offered/held by...that...
  (e.g. In brief, it is because of the substantial advantages held by the perfection of supervision that the public places high hopes on it.)

  9) As things stand, in fact/substance, nothing can be compared with B in ...although... (it is not without defects.)
  (e.g. As things stand, in fact, nothing can be compared with the crackdown o f corrupt officials in arousing the enthusiasm of the masses, although it is not without defects.)

  10) True/Admittedly/Indeed, there are still imperfections in B, but its strong/bright side is what one needs badly.
  诚然/毋庸置疑/的确,B本身还有一些不足之处,但它相对较强的一面/积极的一面正 是某人所急需的……。

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本文标题:专八写作经典句子(26) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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