
托福写作语料库 关于父母是否应该鼓励孩子们做兼职

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One of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part-time job. 父母帮助青少年为成人生活做好准备的最好方式之一是鼓励他们做兼职,是否认同? (2009年10月24日)

托福写作立场 鼓励成长中的年轻人从事兼职工作是帮助学生为成人生活做好准备的有效方式之一。



1. 鼓励年轻人做兼职,在教育方面,最直接的利好就是年轻人体味经济独立的成就感,同时,懂得赚钱很辛苦,懂得谋生的的坚辛。

2. 做兼职的经历可以帮助年轻人扩大交友圈。例如,叔叔保罗在大学期间做了很多份兼职,这帮助他建立了良好的人脉资源,工作中结实的好友为他后来克服事业中遇到的障碍提供了帮助。

3. 年轻人做兼职可以加深他们对于社会的洞察,提高他们的社会意识,使他们明确人生奋斗的目标,当他们回归校园的时候,他们会加倍努力学习。以我为例,我在暑假的时候曾经为旅行社做兼职导游,工作中的辛苦使我懂得只有精进专业才华才能为未来的竞争增加砝码,因此,在我回到课堂的时候,我更加勤奋学习。


1. 兼职工作可能占用宝贵的时间,这些时间可以用来学习或者健身。

2. 年轻人不成熟,没有经验,不能抵御成人世界的诱惑,因此,他们可能被引入迷途。

3. 就学生的能力而言,学生们很难满足相关企业的要求,因此,难以找到合适的工作。





1. take up part-time jobs = engage in part-time jobs = embark on part-time jobs = work as a part-timer v 从事兼职

2. ready oneself for future career challenges yet not come v 为没有到来的未来挑战做好准备

解析:ready v 做好准备

3. get to know the hardship of earning a living v懂得谋生的艰辛

4. to be economically independent v经济独立

5. to make some pocket money v 赚零花钱

6. serves a valuable educational function v 在教育方面有积极的作用

7. can easily lose enthusiasm for their studies v 失去学习的兴趣

8. have deeper insight into the society v对于社会有更加深刻的洞察

9. know what they desire to achieve in life v 懂得生活的目标

10. lighten the financial burden of the family v缓解家庭的财政负担

解析:reduce = lighten v缓解

11. strengthen the awareness of self-protection v 增强自我保护意识

12. Teenagers can acquire the growth experience by having light and paid part-time work 通过做简单的付费的工作,青少年可以获得成长的经验。


1. The most important educational benefit of encouraging students to work as part-t timer is that it could enable the young to recognize that money doesn’t grow on trees and thus foster their thriftiness. 鼓励学生做兼职的最重要的教育方面的利好在于这使年轻人懂得赚钱很辛苦,进而培养节俭的美德。

解析:money doesn’t grow on trees v赚钱辛苦

2. The experience of working as part-timers could help the youngsters to enlarge their circle of friends. 兼职的经历可以帮助年轻人扩大交友圈。

解析:enlarge one’s circle of friends v扩大交友圈

3. My uncle had established well-connected interpersonal network via taking up part-time jobs, therefore,he had many friends to help him tear down the barriers on the career road. 叔叔通过兼职,建立了良好的人脉资源,因此,很多朋友帮助叔叔克服事业中遇到的困难。

4. Taking up some part-time jobs helped me foster the sense of independence and learn to resolve unexpected crisis. They are important for my future life. 兼职培养了我的独立性,使我学会危机处理,这些对于我的未来很重要。

5. I mastered more interpersonal skills, improved the social awareness and made a lot of new friends. 我更多地掌握了人际沟通技巧,提高了社会意识,也结交了很多好友。

6. After I have returned to my class,I studied even harder. 在我回到课堂以后,我更加勤奋学习。

7. Part-time job experience might take up too much precious time, which can otherwise be used to serve the academic purpose or build up one’s physique. 兼职的经历也许占用了宝贵的时间,这些时间可以用来学习或者健身。

8. The study will be delayed and disadvantaged. As for students, the priority should be given to the knowledge acquisition. 学业会被耽误, 对于学生而言,主要的任务还是学习。

解析:disadvantage v 使处于不利地位


9. So immature and inexperienced are the youngsters that they cannot resist the temptation of the adult world, in this sense, it is highly possible for them to be led astray. 年轻人不成熟,没有经验,不能抵御成人世界的诱惑,因此,他们可能被引入迷途。

解析:so …… that …… 如此 …… 以至于 ……

10. As far as the student’ competence is concerned, it is extremely challenging for them to meet the requirement of the relevant enterprises 就学生的能力而言,学生们很难满足相关企业的要求。

11. As for those who are in the formative years,it is unwise to deny the merits of embarking on occasional jobs, however,this growth should be acquired during the summer or winner vacations. 对于成长中的年轻人而言, 否定做兼职的利好是不明智的,但是学生们可以在在寒暑假获得这种成长的经历。

12. It is preferable to strike a proper balance between academic study and part-time jobs. 在学习和兼职工作之间寻求一种平衡是可取的。


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