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托福写作语料库 关于财富悬殊者是否可以成为好友

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Two people can become good friends even if one of them has more money than the other. 两个经济基础不同的人可以成为好友,是否认同?(2012年2月25日)


1. Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships, do you agree? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 朋友之间的竞争通常对于友谊有不良影响,是否认同? (2012年9月2日)

2. The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from? 你喜欢交可以给你带来快乐的朋友还是可以帮助你的朋友? (2012年12月22日)







1. 两个能否能成为好友,友谊是否能经受住时间的考验和财富无关,和性格有关,和经历有关。我的朋友形形色色,他们有些财力雄厚,有些身居底层。也有一些和我一样,身为人师,满足于读书写作的生活。我们友谊的基础或是志同道合,或是愉快交流,或是互相扶持,或是同甘共苦。拥有相同的财富从不是我,也不是很多人,交友的准则。

2. 两人成为知己一定是有相互吸引的地方。比如,穷爸爸和富爸爸的孩子成为好友,可能就是因为他们都被彼此身上的优点吸引,穷孩子喜欢富孩子的自信,慷慨,乐观,才艺。 富孩子喜欢穷孩子的坚强,朴实,热情,勤奋。二者成为好友的一个坚实基础就是从对方身上发现的自己欠缺的,但是,又是特别欣赏的品质。我读大学时,我班的两个女生, 来自不同的家庭背景(一个家境殷实,一个家境普通),却成为挚友,也许就证明了我的立场。


我承认,人们对于朋友的期待是不同的。怀疑我立场的人也许说:物以类聚人以群分。经济背景相似的人,某种程度上,更加容易成为好友,因为相似的可支配收入会使他们的娱乐方式相似,礼尚往来的方式也会领对方感到舒服。 但是,这样的友谊不一定是长久的。物质的快乐通常是短暂的,珍贵之物不是金钱可以购买和衡量的,例如真爱,例如友情。愿意风雨同舟,同甘共苦才是友谊永恒的动力之源。



1. like-minded friends = congenial friends n 志同道合的朋友

2. close friends = bosom friends = intimate friends n 知己;好友

3. have deep pockets v 财力雄厚

4. come form humble background v 身居底层

5. become very good friends v成为好友

点评:我曾经找到一组形容好友的形容词问美国外教Jim 哪个为最佳,老外沉思的片刻说,We just use very good friends. 因此,文本创作中,文风朴素也是一种美丽。托福写作,推荐亮点词汇和朴素词汇搭配使用。

6. similar disposable income n 相似的可支配收入

7. to some extent v 在某种程度上

8. the principle of making friends n 择友的准则

9. bear little relevance to v 和 …… 关系不大

10. …… might justify my stand v …… 也许就证明了我的立场

11. maintain a harmonious relationship v保持和谐的关系

12. lifelong friends n一生的朋友

13. confidence, generosity, optimism and talent 自信,慷慨,乐观,才艺

14. tenacity, simple, enthusiasm and industry 坚强,朴实,热情,勤奋

15. sb are more likely to become bosom friends v 某人更有可能成为知己


1. A sincere friendship is what every individual aspires after. 真诚的友谊是人人渴望的。

2. A life without a friend is a life without sunshine. 人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光。

3. People have been pondering, for many years,the connotation of truth friendship 人们很多年以来一直在思考友谊的真谛。

解析:connotation n内涵

4. The journey of life will become smoother and happier if we can enjoy the company of our good friends. 若有好友陪伴,人生旅途更加顺利,快乐。

5. It is highly possible that two people owing different economic backgrounds can become intimate friends. 两个经济背景不同的人成为好友是极为可能的。

6. They made friends with each other not because of similar economical background but due to respective personal charm. 她们成为好友的原因不是相似的经济背景,而是各自是人格魅力。

7. The most important thing about friendship is that you feel good when get together with your beloved. 对于友谊而言,最重要的是你和朋友在一起的时候,可以感到很舒服。

解析:your loved n你喜欢的人

8. A good friend is someone you feel comfortable when you get together 两个在一起很舒服,才是好朋友。

9. There is nothing more joyful than enjoying the company of your close friends. 没有什么比享受知己陪伴更加快乐。

10. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚人以群分。

11. People’s expectations differ greatly in choosing friends. 人们对于朋友的期待是不同的。

12. One of the best ways to keep friends is to mutually return the other in the same way. 最好的维系友情的方式之一就是礼尚往来。

解析:mutually return the other in the same way v礼尚往来

13. Two people could become close friends even if one is financially richer. 两人可以成为好友,即使他们的经济背景不同。

拓展:one is financially richer = one enjoys a superior economic position 一个人更加富有

14. Even though financial differences might,sometimes, bring about some tension or uneasiness between two friends. 即使经济的差异,有时候,会带来朋友之间的一些紧张和不舒服。

15. A sincere friendship cannot be undermined by factors such as money and social position. 金钱和社会地位破坏不了真的友谊。

解析:undermine v暗中破坏

16. Many friends are various,some have deep pocket,some come from humble background,Some are similar to me,earning a living as a teacher, reading and writing, contented with such a simple life. 我的朋友形形色色,他们有些财力雄厚,有些身居底层。也有一些和我一样,身为人师,满足于读书写作的生活。

17. The solid foundation of our friendship can be attributed to like-mindedness, pleasant communication,mutual assistance or the willing to share hardships. Possessing the same amount of wealth is never the criteria of choosing friends for me and many of my friends. 我们友谊的基础或是志同道合,或是愉快交流,或是互相扶持,或是同甘共苦。拥有相同的财富从不是我,也不是很多人,交友的准则。

18. Tow children can become good friends because they are mutually attracted by the personal strength finding in the partner, even though they have different family and economic background. 穷爸爸和富爸爸的孩子成为好友,可能就是因为他们都被彼此身上的优点吸引, 即使他们的家庭背景和经济基础不同。

19. Materialistic pleasure is usually short-lived,thing of great value can never be bought or measured by money,such as true love or sincere friendship. 物质的快乐通常是短暂的,珍贵之物不是金钱可以购买和衡量的,例如真爱,例如友情。

20. The willingness to go through thick and thin is what keeps friendship going permanently. 愿意风雨同舟,同甘共苦是友谊永恒的动力之源。


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