
A Letter to the Doctors 给医生的信

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  Dear doctors and nurses,

  We went to school as usual in this spring, but SARS broke out in Beijing suddenly. We were so frightened that we only stayed at home. At this time of danger, you went to the front to fight against SARS without thinking about your own safety and health. Thanks to your efforts we have kept safe. It's hard for us to express our thanks to you with any words. We will work much harder to show our thanks.

  We will fight against SARS together with you. We believe we will win the war.

  Love from,

  Li Tao





  爱你们的 李涛


  Dear doctors and nurses,

  In this spring, the best season, we can see beautiful flowers everywhere, but nobody knows a diabolic claw is stretching to the pleasant people. SARS broke out in Beijing. Everybody is too frightened to go out of his house. But there is a group of brave people going to the front to fight against SARS. It is just you. We know you leaveyour children at home by themselves. You can't take care of your sick parents. Some of you delay your weddings.Like soldiers, you go to the front without thinking about your own safety and health.

  I don't know how to show my love to you. I will do my best to study hard. Let's fight against SARS together. We'll be the winners.

  Take care of yourselves.

  Love from,

  Li Tao





  爱你们的 李涛

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本文标题:A Letter to the Doctors 给医生的信 - 中考英语作文_中考英语作文万能句子_中考英语作文范文


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