
I Was Caught 我被抓住了

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  I Was Caught-我被抓住了

  I Was Caught

  I became very interested in observing stars when I was very young. So did my best friend, Lin Lin, who lived next door. Once we heard that the Halley Comet would fly back the next Saturday and was eager to observe it.

  We spent all the money on a telescope and decided to gather on the balcony at 11 o'clock on Saturday night. I was eagerly looking forward to having a look at the comet.

  It was quiet and dark. Stars were twinkling in the sky. I lay on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. I must go out very quietly and not let my parents know. It was ten to eleven. I got up. My parents were sleeping. I coughed softly. They made no reaction. I put the pillow in the quilt, and it seemed that someone was inside. I walked on tiptoe to the door. Suddenly, my father turned over. I stopped. Nothing hap pened any more. I groped in the darkness. I opened the door and didn't dare to turn on the light. I relaxed when I saw Lin Lin.

  Two hours passed before we knew it. I opened the door very slowly and quietly. First, I popped my head in. Quickly my smile was erased. In the room, the light was dazzling bright. My father was glaring at me. Oh, gosh! I was caught.





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