Shenzhen English Corner


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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!

Online English Writing Community



  1 这所房子花了我一大笔钱。(cost)

  2 昨天的大雨使得我们没能踢球。(prevent…from)

  3 日本位于中国的东部。(lie)

  4 在业余时间里,他专心致志的学习。(devote)

  5 那个温和的老人拍了拍女孩的脑袋。(pat)

  6 这本书值得一看。(worth)

  7 你每天花多少时间上网。(spend)

  8 我今晚给你打电话。(ring)

  9 这部电影值得一看。(worth)

  10 你最近收到过母亲的来信吗。(hear… from)


  1 这是他看过的最有意义的一部电影。

  2 带着一副眼镜的那个女孩是安。


  4 劳驾,请问我开车如何到电视台?

  5 问题是我们如何得到未污染的水。

  6 不论你去哪里我都跟着你。

  7 他到电影院时,电影已经开始十多分钟了。

  8 如果你缺钱,你可以乘公共汽车。(be short of)

  9 从那时起我就想了解他从事什么工作。(wonder)

  10 如果你听从我的劝告而努力学习,你考试就会及格。


  1 你们家乡气候怎样?

  2 上星期我们就是在这所学校开的会。(It is +强调句+ that…)

  3 到吃午饭的时间了。

  4 她每天直到做完作业后才看电视。(not… until…)

  5 和他谈这事无用。

  6 我们刚一到,音乐会就开始了。(No sooner…than…)

  7 对我们个人来说,关爱自身的健康非常重要。

  8 她太兴奋了,那天晚上都没睡觉。(so… that…)

  9 他去澳大利亚已经五年了。

  10 她去美国已经三年了。(It is … since…)


  1 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。

  2 2012年奥林匹克运动会将在伦敦举行。(hold)

  3 全世界都踢足球。

  4 这种纸是用木头做的。(be made from)

  5 访问上海推迟了。(put… off)

  6 这部小说已被译成英语。

  7 前面的老路正在修。

  8 古老的伦敦桥被推倒,并在美国重建。(pull down)

  9 下月要建一家新的妇幼医院。

  10 你星期天也被要求工作。(be expected to do)


  1 昨天他们用了大约三个半小时完成了那项工作。

  2 孩子们学好英语和计算机也是很重要的。

  3 上学期他学习不努力,结果数学考试不及格。(fail)

  4 学生们对报告所讲的内容很感兴趣。

  5 当他们到达电影院时,电影已经开始十五分钟了。

  6 今晚我将给你打电话。(call up)

  7 他们在北京生活了很多年,对北京的气候已经习惯了。(be used to)

  8 他们成功地执行了他们的计划。(carry out)

  9 老师告诉我们这本小说值得一读。(worth)

  10 一天一只狐狸想和公鸡交朋友。(make friends)

  11 他告诉我他去过上海三次。

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  12 我在下一站下车。(get off)

  13 我不知道她是否胜任这份工作。(fit for)

  14 这种气体发出一种不好闻的气味。(give off)

  15 昨天在回家的路上,我遇到了父亲的一位老朋友。

  16 我到电影院时灯光已经灭了。(go out)

  17 这正是他们要找的磁带。

  18 你今天必须去看牙吗?(have got to)

  19 前天她因病没去上班。(because of)

  20 鲍勃想抓住约翰的胳膊。(catch/take/get hold of)

  21 事实上,多数交通事故是可以避免的。avoid

  22 詹妮累了,但还是继续工作。keep on doing

  23 一班的学生们总是保持教师的干净整洁。keep … adj.

  24 有些动物即使在很冷的天气也能保持正常的体温。keep up

  25 请记住离开教室时一定要关灯。turn off

  26 到你的房间去找一找。 look for

  27 我认为每天花一两个小时进行体育锻炼是很重要的。 spend in doing sth.

  28 考试前仔细读读你的笔记。look through

  29 父母希望你长大或当一名医生。grow up

  30 桌子是用木头做的。be made of

  31 我现在无暇看电视。afford

  32 他从我身后经过。pass by

  33 我们认为她说得不对。

  34 他穿上上衣就出去了。put on

  35 不要认为别人帮助你是理所当然的。take…for granted

  36 我把它当作我们的朋友。regard as

  37 我不知道他为什么没有出席。

  38 北美洲和亚洲只相隔一条狭窄的海峡。separate… from

  39 睡觉前别忘了锁好门。

  40 我们聊起我们所能记得的过去的人和事。talk of

  41 科学家们正在尽最大努力防止大气污染。prevent … from


  43 尽管下着大雨,他们仍没停下工作。in spite of

  44 他指责我作弊。accuse… of

  45 看着熟睡得小孩,玛丽不禁想起了自己的童年。can not help doing

  46 老师进教室时看到学生们在读英语。find… doing

  47 他们已经决心在月底前完成工作。be determined to

  48 你反对在周日工作吗?object to doing

  49 最后他终于明白了他为什么受到了嘲笑。come to know

  50 这就是昨天我们谈起的那个小男孩。

  51 他坚决要求留在伦敦。insist on doing

  52 今天早晨他起床晚了,只好不吃早餐就去上班了。

  53 老师提议学生在课堂上记笔记。advise… to

  54 明天晚上我哥哥要去火车站为她的朋友送行。see… off

  55 你能检查一下我的英语作文,看我还需要什么改动吗?go over

  56 你不能这样不停的工作而不休息。(go on doing)

  57 我哥哥明年大学毕业。 (graduate)

  58 与汽车相比,自行车有许多优点。(compare with)

  59 他昨天晚上11点才写完作业。not… until

  60 因为没收到他的信,他妈妈决定给他打电话。

  61 除此之外,你还要填入电话号码和家庭住址。(besides)

  62 她每天的工作十二个小时。

  63 听到那个不幸的消息,他们情不自禁的哭了起来。

  64 在新学期的第一天,老师经常要求学生们做自我介绍。

  65 我经常看到他们在操场上踢球。(see sb. do)

  66 我的朋友打算毕业后去西部工作。

  67 我永远不会忘记见过女王。(forget)

  68 由于他们的努力,他们用了八天而不是十八天就完成了任务。(instead of)

  69 记住与我保持联系好吗?

  70 我们有必要了解英汉两种语言的差异。(difference)

  71 我想知道我们为什么要完成这项工作。(wonder)

  72 请拿肥皂和水把他们擦干净。

  73 很抱歉,让你久等了。(keep)

  74 有空来看看我们。(come over)

  75 老师问谁明天负责班里的卫生工作。(in charge of)

  76 这个星期让我们去野营好吗?

  77 据说我们学校明年将招更多的学生。(It’s said…)

  78 请尽量按时到这儿来。

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  79 如果你不能出席会议,请提前通知我们。(in advance)

  80 在你离开房间之前,请查看窗户是否关好了。

  81 这是一个很幸福的家庭,他们到过许多国家。(have been)

  82 拿着雨伞以免下雨。

  83 汤姆因迟到跟老师和同学们道歉。(apologize)

  84 务必准时到那儿。

  85 如果不是你的帮助, 我们是不会取得这么大的进步。(without)

  86 当你和别人握手时,要看着对方的眼睛。

  87 她和她的朋友都没用英文打字。(neither…nor)

  88 我们刚一到学校就开始下雨了。(hardly… when)

  89 请允许我向你们介绍一下我的新朋友。


  91 我和你一样喜欢北京。(as much as)

  92 这个城市以它悠久的历史和文化闻名于世。(be famous for)

  93 天气如此寒冷以致街上没有任何人。

  94 他的朋友在一个刮风的早晨离京前往纽约。

  95 他正是我要找的那个人。


  97 尽管在这次聚会上我谁也不认识,我也玩得挺痛快。(even though)

  98 她年轻时总是打篮球,是吗?

  99 如果他不努力工作,他就会失业。(unless)

  100 这套房子足够你们住了。



  1 The house cost me a great deal of money.

  2 Yesterday’s heavy rain prevented them from plying football.

  3 Japan lies to the east of China.

  4 He devoted himself to studying in his spare time.

  5 The old gentleman patted the girl on the head.

  6 The book is worth reading.

  7 how much time do you spend on-line every day?

  8 I’ll ring you up tonight.

  9 This film is worth seeing.

  10 Have you heard from your mother recently?


  1 This is one of the most interesting movies I have ever seen.

  2 The girl who is wearing a pair of glasses is Ann.

  3 I’m very interested in what you said.

  4 Excuse me, how can I get to the TV station if I drive a car?

  5 The problem is how we can get water without being polluted.

  6 Wherever you go, I’ll follow you.

  7 The film had been on for over ten minutes when they got to the cinema.

  8 If you’re short of money, you will probably go by bus.

  9 I have wondered what he has been working on since then.

  10 If you take/follow my advice and study hard, you will pass the exam.


  1 What’s the climate like in your hometown?

  2 It is in this school that we had a meeting last week.

  3 It’s time for lunch.

  4 He doesn’t watch TV until he has finished his homework every day.

  5 It is no use talking about it with him.

  6 No sooner had we arrived than the concert began.

  7 It’s important for us to be responsible for taking care of our own health.

  8 She was so excited that she didn’t sleep that night.

  9 It is five years since he left for Australia.

  10 It is three years since she left for the United States.

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  1 The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.

  2 The 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London.

  3 Football is played all over the world.

  4 This kind of paper is made from wood.

  5 The visit to Shanghai has been put off.

  6 The novel has been translated into English.

  7 The old roads ahead are being repaired now.

  8 The old London bridge was pulled down, and rebuilt in the United States.

  9 A new hospital for women and children will be built next month.

  10 You will be expected to work on Sundays.


  1 Yesterday it took them about three hours and a half to finish the work.

  2 It’s also important for children to learn English and computer well.

  3 He didn’t work hard last term, as a result, he failed in his maths exam.

  4 The students were very interested in what the reporter said.

  5 When they got to the cinema, the film had already been on for fifteen minutes.

  6 I’ll call you up this evening.

  7 They have lived in Beijng for many years, and they have been used to the weather here.

  8 They carried out their plan successfully.

  9 The teacher told us that this novel was worth reading.

  10 One day a fox wanted to make friends with a cock.

  11 He told me that he had been to Shanghai three times.

  12 I’m getting off the train at the next station.

  13 I don’t know whether she is fit for the job.

  14 the gas gave off an unpleasant smell.

  15 On my way home yesterday, I met an old friend of my father’s.

  16 The lights had already gone out when I got to the cinema.

  17 This is the tape that they are looking for.

  18 Have you got to go to the dentist’s today?

  19 She didn’t go to work because of her illness the day before yesterday.

  20 Bob tried to catch (get/take) hold of John’s arm.

  21 In fact, most traffic accidents can be avoided.

  22 Jane was tried but she kept on working.

  23 The students of Class One always keep the classroom clean and tidy.

  24 Some animals keep up their normal body temperature even in very cold weather.

  25 Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom, please.

  26 Go and look for it in your room.

  27 I think it very important for people to spend one or two hours doing physical exercises every day.

  28 Look through your notes before the exam.

  29 Your parents hope you will be a doctor when you grow up.

  30 The table is made of wood.

  31 I can’t afford any time to watch TV.

  32 He passed by behind me.

  33 We don’t think what he said was true.

  34 He put on his coat and went out.

  35 Don’t take it for granted when you get others’ help.

  36 I regard him as my friend.

  37 I don’t know the reason why he didn’t come to attend the meeting.

  38 Only a narrow strait separates North America from Asia.

  39 Don’t forget to lock the door before you go to bed.

  40 We talked of the things and people that we remembered in the past.

  41 Scientists are trying their best to prevent the atmosphere from being polluted.

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  42 Turn off the tap, please.

  43 They kept on working in spite of the heavy rain.

  44 He accused me of cheating.

  45 Looking at the sleeping child, Mary could not help thinking of her own childhood.

  46 Coming into the classroom, the teacher found the students reading English.

  47 They have been determined to finish the work at the end of the month.

  48 Do you object to working on Sunday?

  49 At last he came to know why he had been laughed at.

  50 This is the boy whom we talked of yesterday.

  51 She insisted on her staying in London.

  52 She got up very late this morning, and she had to go to work without breakfast.

  53 the teacher advised the students to take notes in class.

  54 My brother will go to the station to see his friends off tomorrow evening.

  55 Could you go over my composition and see if I need to make any changes?

  56 You can’t go on working without a break.

  57 My brother will graduate from university next year.

  58 Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages.

  59 he didn’t finish his homework until 11 o’clock last night.

  60 Not having received his letter, his mother decided to make a call to him.

  61 Besides this, you should write down your telephone number and address.

  62 He has to work for 12 hours a day.

  63 having heard the bad news, they couldn’t help crying.

  64 On the first day of the new term, teachers often ask students to introduce themselves to others.

  65 I often see them play football on the playground.

  66 My friend plans to apply for a job in the west part of China after graduation.

  67 I shall never forget seeing the Queen.

  68 they completed the task in 8 days instead of 18 days because of their hard work.

  69 Remember to keep in touch with us, will you?

  70 It is necessary for you to know some differences between Chinese and English.

  71 I wonder why we must do this job.

  72 Get soap and water and clean them off, please.

  73 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.

  74 Come over and see us sometime.

  75 The teacher asked who would be in charge of the cleaning work of the class the next day.

  76 Shall we go camping this Sunday?

  77 It is said there will be more students in our school next year.

  78 Try to be here on time.

  79 Please tell us in advance if you can’t come to attend the meeting.

  80 Please make sure that the window are shut before you leave the room.

  81 This is a very happy family, and they have visited many countries.

  82 Have/Take your umbrella with you in case it rains.

  83 Tom apologized to his classmates and teacher for being late.

  84 Be sure to get there on time.

  85 Without your help, we would not have made so great progress.

  86 When you shake hands with people, look them in the eyes.

  87 Neither she nor her friend is typing in English.

  88 We had hardly got to school when it began to rain.

  89 Please allow me to introduce my new friends to you.

  90 They seemed to have heard the news.

  91 I hope I like Beijing as much as you do.

  92 This city is famous for its long history and culture.

  93 It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

  94 His friend left Beijing for New York on a windy morning.

  95 He is the right man whom I want to look for.

  96 We don’t know the exact time when they will return.

  97 Even though I didn’t know anybody at the party, I had a good time.

  98 He used to play basketball when he was young, didn’t he?

  99 He will be out of work unless he works hard.

  100 This house is big enough for you to live in.



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