

阅读 :



  I think smiling is as important as sunshine. Smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you aren’t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. Someone may say, “But I don’t feel happy.” Then I would say, “Please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. You will really be happy again.”

  You don’t like crying, right? So you must prefer smiling, because you know smiling will let people forget everything unhappy. Every day, we see teachers or students and say, “Hi/Hello! How are you?” At the same time, you are smiling, right?

  Smiling can let you have more friends. With a smile, people will know you’re a kind person. They will talk with you, so you will have more and more friends.

  So I say, smiling is like a flower, the sunshine, warmth. It will give you happiness.



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