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公元二十世纪三十年代,法西斯狂潮肆虐欧洲,数百万犹太人惨遭迫害。无辜平民死中求生寻找求生之路,多国政府慑于淫威拒收犹太难民。在此漫天黑暗间,维也纳一处屋宇灯火犹亮,一位东方外交官争分夺秒发放签证,帮助犹太难民逃到上海和其他地方。屋宇为何名?中国驻维也纳总领事馆也。外交官为何人?中国驻维也纳总领事何凤山博士也。此屋宇终被法西斯没收,何凤山博士自租公寓继续签证。此善举又被国内同行疑嫉,何凤山博士光明磊落不为所动。随其手也,千百家庭得以绝处逢生:随其笔也,沉溺之身攀上救命方舟;随其声也,域外人士惊识中华文明;随其形也,离乱生命重建人世信心。华夏之德,不思远征而不拒远援。君子之道,默行大善而不声张。何凤山博士之功绩埋入尘沙久焉,近年方见端倪(inkling),已被以色列政府授予”国际正义人士”荣誉称号。其家乡中国湖南省益阳市民众闻之事迹,深为感动,遂会商其子女,决定修筑何凤山纪念墓地于中心城区,以千年乡土体温,永久拥抱这位伟大游子。 后代余赞之曰:三尺之助尚不易,万里之善非等闲,乱世星火天有记,湖南益阳何凤山。

余秋雨 敬撰于丁亥年夏日

In the 1930s, when the evil torrent of fascism was raging through/ running amuck in Europe, millions of Jews were suffering from inhuman persecution, and a great number of innocent civilians, who were on the razor’s edge, were desperately groping their way of survival. Under such circumstances, many governments refused to receive the Jewish refugees for fear of the fascist despotic power. In the murky darkness, the light in a house in Vienna was still on, in which an Oriental diplomat was racing against time issuing visas to Jewish refugees to help them flee to Shanghai and other places. What house it was? It was the Consulate-General of China to Vienna. Who was the diplomat? Dr. He Fengshan, China’s consul general in Vienna. When the house was eventually seized/confiscated by the fascists, Dr. He Fengshan rented an apartment to keep on issuing visas. Though his almsdeed brought about fear and hatred on part of his peers at home, Dr. He, open as the day/open and aboveboard, remained insusceptible. Under his hand, thousands of families survive impending deaths; with his witty pen, drowning/endangered ones managed to get on board the Ark of life; with his voice, foreigners got astonished at the greatness of the Chinese civilization; on his best behavior, the desperate had regained their confidence.One of the Chinese virtues is not to go on an expedition, but to lend their aid to these who are far away. Gentlemen’s way is to remain silent when they do some good deeds. Dr He’s merits have remained buried underneath for a too long time, and the inkling of his merits have not been brought to light until present time. The Israeli Government has conferred the honorary title of “the international Righteous Figure” on him. On hearing of his great merits, the people in his hometown, Yiyang City, Hunan Province of China, being deeply moved, have decided to build up a memorial tomb in honor of Dr. He Fengshan in downtown city in association with his offspring to commemorate this great son with the warm soil of his hometown.

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