Shenzhen English Corner

英国女王时尚衣着色谱 最爱蓝色 最嫌米色

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  Her Majesty has worn blue on 29 per cent of all occasions in the last year - almost three times more than any other colour
  Beige comes bottom with one per cent - equal with checked fabric
  After 60 years on the throne the Queen's outfits on her thousands of visits and tours have proved she is a bastion of good taste and style.
  But many have wondered what Her Majesty's favourite colour is - until now.
  Vogue magazine has studied every outfit she has worn in the last 12 months and found that blue is called royal for a reason.

Vogue chart - Rainbow Queen


  Whether the shade be teal, cobalt or powder, 29 per cent of the coats, dresses, suits and hats worn by the Queen have been predominantly that colour.
  Although not a colour, Floral was next with 13 per cent, followed by green, worn famously on her visit to Ireland last year and cream - both adorned on 11 per cent of occasions.
  Pink and purple - 10 per cent - red, yellow, orange - four per cent - and black - two per cent - were next.
  But it appears that beige is her least favourite, wearing it on only one per cent of occasions, matched only by equally-shunned checked patterns.
  'The Queen loves clothes and is a real expert on fabrics,' the Queen's personal assistant Angela Kelly told the Telegraph.
  女王的私人助理Angela Kelly告诉外媒Telegraph,英国女王喜爱穿衣打扮,而且是个地道的行家。
  'I do think she values my opinion but she is the one who is in control. She always makes the final decision.'

  跟英国女王学穿衣 伊丽莎白二世各色造型欣赏>>
  Blue is the colour: Vogue has studied every outfit the Queen has worn in the past year and found that blue is by far her favourite
  The Queen in another of her favourite colours, purple, which she wore at two different events earlier this year
  One tone: The Queen visiting Guildford Cathedral, left, and right, during her first visit to the 2012 Olympic site in late 2005

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本文标题:英国女王时尚衣着色谱 最爱蓝色 最嫌米色 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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