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  Education and housing are what local young couples rely most on their parents, according to a survey report released by the Shanghai Women's Federation today.
  The online survey was conducted last month on 189 local residents to look into the phenomenon of the NEET group -- people Not in Education, Employment and Training -- from the perspectives of family income, way of life, and filial obligation.
  Receiving financial support from parents is the most common practice among the NEET group. More than half of the respondents say they use parents' money for child education and home purchase. They also get money from parents for wedding, new home appliances and daily expenses and for buying a car.
  The survey found lack of independence topped all the reasons for young people to rely on their parents, accounting for nearly 80 percent of the respondents who are between 20 and 50.
  The federation said it is not just the young people themselves to blame, a high unemployment rate, a widening income gap, and rising home prices force many marriage-age young people to seek support from their parents.
  Some parents are also to blame for spoiling their only child and lavish money on their only grandchild, the federation said.
  More than 40 percent of the respondents said living with parents is not a good choice and can cause family dispute. About 30 percent said they chose to live with their parents so as to take care of each other.

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本文标题:新概念:“啃老族”现象是个人与社会的双重悲哀 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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