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  For the past few weekends, thousands of enthusiastic readers have stood in long queues outside book stores in cities like Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Chengdu, holding books in their hands and waiting to meet Kevin Tsai Kang-yung, a popular writer and television host in Taiwan.

  Tsai is currently on tour, promoting his new book Tsai Kang-yung’s Love Message–Unknown Lover. It may not be his first book, but it is his first novel about love.

  The original idea for the book came from Tsai’s Sina Weibo, on which he routinely posts short and refined thoughts on romance and relationships. But don’t think the book is just a collection of his micro blog posts–Tsai has created a whole new, coherent story.

  In the book, the heroine named Doudian cannot stand secret love. She decides to be brave in the pursuit of love and grows up during the process.

  “When I began to write some love messages on my Sina Weibo, I got a lot of feedback. Some asked me to put them together in a collection. But soon I found that I wanted to write a novel, using the fragments from my Weibo,” Tsai said during his book signing in Shenzhen on Dec 22.

  Despite a busy work schedule, Tsai finished the 80,000-word novel in just a few months.

  “When confronted with love, I think people surrender easily because they are afraid, even before they come across it,” he said.

  In the book, Tsai describes his standard of love. “When you fall in love, you feel the reason of your existence in the other person–that’s very important,” Tsai said. “If you lack courage in love, your life will be colorless.”

  While the book offers some fresh points of view on love, it also feels warm and curing. “I’m not saying I’m a professor of love. I just want to share with my readers some angles from which to view love; to make people who have been hurt in love feel better,” Tsai said.

  Tsai is most well known for hosting the popular talk show Kangxi Comes with fellow hostess Dee Hsu. But what’s in the book is very different from what they promote in the TV program. “The book tells a story of youth with great courage. I hope readers can cherish the right to be rash when they are young,” Tsai said.

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本文标题:英语短文:写给未知恋人的爱情短信 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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