

阅读 : 152 次


  As a teenager,I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious1 out-side,but I wanted to be liked inside.


  Once I left home to hitch-hike2 to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn’t easy,and there were many times I didn’t feel safe. One situation in particular kept me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home,I was different,not so outwardly sure of myself.


  I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope,who was staying with us,was wearing my clothes. And my family seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be missed if I weren’t there. I told my mom,and she explained that though Penelope was a lovely girl,no one could replace me. I pointed out,“She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful qualities,but I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me realize that even with my faults—and there were many-I was a loved member of the family who couldn’t be replaced.


  I became a searcher,wanting to find out who I was and what made me unique. My view of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to resist3 pressure to act in ways that I didn’t like any more,and I was delighted by who I really was. I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place.


  Each of us holds a unique place in the world. You are special,no matter what others say or what you may think. So forget about being replaced. You can’t be.


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