

阅读 :


  What can you do to make sure you’re looking good during that critical first impression?

  1. As a general rule, smiling makes you more attractive. That said, ladies, smile. Guys…well, think twice. Want to improve your smile? Smile slower.

  2. Beauty sleep? Yeah, it’s real. Get some.

  3. Red clothes. Men, women, whatever. Wear red.

  4. Guys: stubble makes you look smarter and more sociable.

  5. Guys: chin up. Ladies: chin down.

  6. Guys: deep, dominant voice. Ladies, keep it feminine. (But you already know that on some level; that’s why you speak differently when talking to attractive men.)

  7. Guys: emphasize the height. Ladies, might want to wear flats.

  8. Ladies who don’t wear makeup: start wearing makeup. And pick bras wisely: that awful stereotype about men liking big boobs? Confirmed.

  9. Guys, you need to move right, keep cool, and be confident. Or just go buy a puppy. And you know those obnoxious jerks who constantly lift weights, show off their fancy cars, and throw lots of money around? Well, that stuff works. But if you think you’re going to date a supermodel, you need to have the whole package… except brains, brains are optional.

  10. Is none of this helping? Here’s a trick that doesn’t ask you to change anything about yourself: bring along a friend who has your basic physical characteristics (similar coloring, body type, facial features), but is slightly less attractive than you. It works.


  1. 总体来说,微笑会让你更加有魅力。女士要微笑,男士的话,三思而后行。想改善你的微笑吗? 那就慢慢的笑。

  2. 美容觉?对,这是真的!试试吧!

  3. 穿红色的衣服,不管男人女人都适合。

  4. 男士们:胡渣让你看上去更聪明、更善交际。

  5. 男士们:注意下巴微微上扬。女士们:下巴稍稍压低。

  6. 男士们:用深沉而易辨识的声音说话。女士们:保持女性的阴柔(你已经或多或少了解这一点;这就是为什么你遇到有魅力的男士时都会用不同的方式说话。)


  8. 不化妆的女士应该开始化妆了。选择文胸有智慧:男人都喜欢好身材的女人?的确是这样!

  9. 男士们,你们需要朝着正确的方向前进,保持冷静和自信。或者直接去买个小狗吧。你一定知道那些一直长胖、臭名昭著的混蛋,他们总炫耀自己的豪车,并且到处撒钱。其实那些东西都行得通。但是如果你想和一个超模约会,你需要所有这些东西,除了大脑,大脑是可选的。

  10. 这些都没有帮助么?这里有一个小秘诀,让你不用做出任何改变。带一个基本体态特征(相似的肤色、体型、面部特征)跟你相似的朋友,但是魅力比你稍弱。这办法真的好用。

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