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  These incredible pictures show the moment an elephant who was held in chains and beaten and abused for fifty years cried as he was released to freedom.


  Raju the elephant was left bleeding from spiked shackles and living on hand-outs from passing tourists after he was captured and tied up by his ‘owner’.


  But, after 50 years of torture, the animal cried tears of relief after he was rescued by a wildlife charity in a daring midnight operation – fittingly on American Independence Day.


  North London-based charity Wildlife SOS stepped in to save Raju from dying in his bonds after learning of his plight in India.


  Every day, the majestic animal was forced to hold out his trunk and beg for a few coins from passers-by – surviving only on plastic and paper for food.


  However, last week, a 10-strong team of vets and wildlife experts from the charity were joined by 20 forestry department officers and six policemen to seize Raju from his suffering in the Uttar Pradesh area of India.


  The mission took place under the cover of darkness, as fewer people would be around for the dangerous rescue and the animal could be protected from the searing heat of the sun.


  A confiscation process went through the courts as Raju's owner did not have any legal documents for his possession meaning the charity could rescue him from suffering.


  It is not known exactly how Raju came into his plight, as little is known about his early years, but the charity believes he was poached from his mother as a young calf.


  Over the weekend, Raju received emergency medical attention to his wounds as well as a proper bath and food.


  The charity has now launched a campaign to raise £10,000 to help Raju begin the start of his new life in a new enclosure which will allow him to roam with his adoptive family.


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本文标题:印度大象被囚禁虐待50年后获救时留下眼泪 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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