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Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life? I am sorry to tell you that dreams don’t come true.Rather, it is your goals that can forever change your life. You need to set goals in order turn your dreams into reality.


Don’t confuse dreams and goals. Dreams are easy. They are free, too. However, dreams by themselves are just that… dreams. They are imaginary. And they don’t produce tangible results. You need to turn your dreams into action. You need goals to make the visions of your dreams real.


Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life. Goals are all about action. Goals change you and can change your life. What will it take to turn your dreams into goals?


Here are 10 Big Differences Between Goals and Dreams:


1.Goals are something you are acting on. Dreams are something you are just thinking about. Goals require action. Dreams can happen without lifting a finger, even while you are asleep.


2.Goals have deadlines. Dreams are just, well, dreams. Goals must have a deadline. They have a time limit. Dreams can go on forever. In fact, many people maintain dreams their entire lives without ever reaching them.


3.Dreams are free. Goals have a cost. While you can daydream for free, goals don’t come without a price. Time, money, effort and sweat. How will you pay for your goals?


4.Goals produce results. Dreams don’t. Want to change your life? Your job? Your status in life? Goals can do that. A good friend of mine made six-figures on the ebook he published. He did that. Had it stayed as a dream, his life would have been as it always was.


5.Dreams are imaginary. Goals are based in reality. You may dream of being Superman, but that is probably not going to happen. Goals are about what you can actually accomplish. They are grounded in the reality of our world. Goals should be big, but not supernatural.


6.Goals have a finish line. Dreams never have to end. Dreams can go on forever. They don’t have to have an ending point. Goals must have a specific outcome.


7.Dreams can inspire you. Goals can change your life. Dreams can bring you motivation. They can inspire you. But, goals can change your life forever.


8.Goals must have focus. Dreams don’t. Dreams can be drifting, ever-changing thoughts. Goals must be laser-focused. They must be specific and they must be always on your mind.


9.Goals require hard work. Dreams just require your imagination. Dreaming is easy. Almost everyone has a dream. But, fewer people have goals. Goals are hard and they require hard work.


10.Dreams stretch your imagination. Goals stretch you. Dreaming leads to bigger dreams. They stretch the limits of your imagination. But, goals stretch you. They increase your skills, your abilities, and change you forever.


Sometimes it only takes one step to change a dream into a goal. Yet, it can take years to take that goal to the finish line. Always dream big, but make sure your goals are just as big. Because dreams don’t come true… but goals do.



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本文标题:英语美文:目标和梦想之间的10大差别 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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