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I just broke up with my girlfriend.


Yeah, it's a sad story.


But we are totally OK with it.


It's not that something bad happened and we broke each other's heart.


It's just that we found out we don't really have many mutual hobbies.


So we broke up peacefully and wished each other a better future.


You see, sometimes you just got attracted biologically or irrationally by someone.


But as time goes by you find out that you two are not interested in the same things.


This is harmful for both of you, because love requires you to devote time into each other.


But when you don't really like doing the same things, this is a waste of life.


We are all searching for a happy life. So don't trap yourself in an unhealthy relationship.


Just let it go.



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本文标题:兴趣不一样的人怎么在一起? - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文



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