Shenzhen English Corner


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So, is it that we have been thinking in the wrong way all along?


Don’t care too much about money, because money can only interfere with your pursuit of happiness. The irony is that people think they will be happy when they have money.


In fact, money has nothing to do with happiness. If you are happy and have money, you can use money in exchange for happiness.


However, if you are not happy but have money, then your money can only bring you more misfortune, as money is only a neutral force.


Please do not get me wrong. I am not against money. I have no objection to anything. But money is just a means. Money will allow you to move forward with your current lifestyle, no matter how good or bad it is.


But people still keep chasing money as if money can bring them happiness. Whenever they realize that they can find money at another crossing road of life, they will immediately reverse their lifestyle and change their way of life.


But once these people find money, they immediately lose themselves because they are ready to change themselves for money.


This is the common secular way of life in this world. Remember, I call them secular not because they have money, but because they have changed their life goals for money. It goes the same for people who are poor.


Poverty does not necessarily mean that the spirit is noble, and wealth is not necessarily equal to money worship. The true money worship lifestyle is to let money over everything.


As to the lifestyle that does not worship money, money is only seen as a means: happiness, joy, and your individual dignity are placed higher than money. You know who you are, where your goals are, and you won’t get distracted.


If you can do this, you will find Zen in your life.



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本文标题:美文欣赏:财富与幸福真的有关系吗? - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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