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英文情书大全:My Heart And Soul我的灵魂

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dear tigger,

i never thought that i could ever love again but you came into my life 3 months ago and showed me that i can. i have never been as in love with anyone before as i am with you, every day you bring something new. you make me laugh and have never made me cry. without your love i would probably die.

i promise you this, from this day forth: i will love you forever - don't' ever doubt that. i will never want anyone else's touch but yours; you make me feel like i am the only woman in the world. you are the only man in the world as far as i am concerned. you are my heart and soul. i feel as though we are meant to be together, that we have been brought together by god. i have always believed that i had a soul mate out there and i am sure that is you, i see it every time i look into your eyes and i feel it when you hold me in your arms. baby, my sweet baby, i love you.

yours always,



本文标题:英文情书大全:My Heart And Soul我的灵魂 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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