
What Makes a Good Teacher

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  A teacher helps kids learn to write small(写小字). A teacher takes us outside to play. Don't talk back to the teacher. Teachers do not like pink slips. Teachers will get mad if somebody is being bad. A teacher will always love her kids. Teachers a re very very cool.―p.r.

  A good teacher needs to sleep. A good teacher needs to read books so they know what to teach. A teacher has to be healthy. The student has to follow the rules so the teacher won't get in trouble.

  ―Mac Pon

  A good teacher is someone who listens to someone who cares and gets apples, peaches and pears. A good teacher is someone who's never late for school. She's nice to her kids and really is cool. Most of all a good teacher loves her students.

  ―Meter Bogschanir

  A good teacher gives homework and math to us. She lets us have recess (课间休息). A good teacher teaches us how to write. A good teacher reads to us. A good teacher makes us smart(聪明), and helps us go onto fourth grade.

  ―Yela Gan

  A good teacher teaches good things. A good teacher is nice and helpful. She gives us parties and gives us stuff(东西) to learn.

  ―Burne Agations

  A good teacher is organized(井井有条). A good teacher cares and is always ready for his or her students. A good teacher is always fair(公正)and respects(尊重) their students. A good teacher always works.

  ―Felar Lader

  She can teach you good things. She is kind and nice.

  ―Thomas Pether

  A good teacher makes a good listener. And a good teacher is ready for their students. A good teacher is someone that helps you. A good teacher is a person who lets us eat. A good teacher is one who lets us read and reads with us.

  ―Barna Twist

  A good teacher is nice. A good teacher is organized and gives a lot of work. A good teacher gives homework and makes you think hard. A good teacher makes you read a lot.

  ―Kip Gella

  They let us read books. They do not hit us. They let you eat in the classroom. They let you talk.

  ―Pat Smith

  A good teacher is one that gives you homework. A good teacher makes sure that you listen and will help you learn. A good teacher gives you free time to play. A good teacher makes sure that you're on time. A good teacher makes sure that you have everything you need.

  ―Shane Lan

  They let you go outside and give you a lot of work. They teach you stuff and do not hit you. They say nice things to you. They give lots of parties.


  A good teacher makes everything fair. They do not give to much work. They are fun and give some hard and easy work. They are not mean(坏,狠).

  ―May Gell

  A good teacher is firm. They have good manners and they don't do bad things. They buy things for you and they buy you toys, books, and things. They do not say bad words. Some teachers give you cake and ice cream. They have good ideas.

  ―Jial Teel

  What is a good teacher? I think a teacher should be good at explaining (解释) things. A teacher should be fun (有趣) but challenging(有挑战性). A good teacher should be organized(井井有条). I like a teacher who teaches fun activities(有趣的活动) in class and not just writing on paper. A teacher should like teaching.

  ―Sela Cont

  A good teacher teaches so many things. They help me to read a book. A teacher always teaches good things to the students.

  ―Mario Back

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