
"Time Is money" :Seeing the Doctor in the United stated

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  When I was in China, I rarely went to see the doctor. This was because I seldom got sick. I often heard people complain about hospitals and doctors: how inefficient1 they were and so how time-consuming and unpleasant it was to go there. " It's cheap to see the doctor and it won't cost you much on medicine, either." I also heard such comforting comments from time to time2. However, when I felt under the weather3, I always took a " wait and see" attitude, determined to avoid seeing the doctor as much as I could. Most of the time, I got better as time went by4. Occasionally I had to go to the hospital, which was hardly a pleasant experience.

  I came to Cornell University with the same " wait and see" attitude. As a university policy, each student is required to have some medical insurance, whether you like it or not. There are countless types of medical insurance offered to the students. Like most Chinese students who wanted to save money and had confidence in their own health, I chose the cheapest medical insurance, just to meet5 the university requirement. The insurance I had did not cover6 eye and dental7 care, which were very expensive.

  I never thought I would use my insurance. However, as you age, something " unexpected" would happen to you. Once I threw up8 on the first day of my period9. My friend urged me to see the doctor. Believing that it would be much better than the unpleasant experience in a Chinese hospital, I decided to go. It turned out10 to be a painful process. First of all, I had to look up the insurance book and find out which doctor I could go and see. In the States, different doctors have different affiliations11 with medical insurance companies. Before you go to see the doctor, you should find out whether the doctor you are to see accepts your insurance or not. Most Americans have their own family doctors, and if they have serious problems, the family doctor would recommend them to see the specialists. Since I had no family doctor at all, I simply called up one doctor listed in the book. The receptionist12 answered my call and made an appointment with the doctor. Not until then did I realize that in the States you cannot just go and see the doctor once you find there is something wrong13 with you. You need to make an appointment, which could be one week or two weeks away depending how the doctor is booked14.

  On the day of my appointment, I arrived at the doctor' s office 10 minutes earlier. When I came to the window, the receptionist first asked me to fill in several sheets15 of personal information. Then I was asked to show the insurance card. She made a copy of that and gave me a few agreements16 to sign. Then I was told to wait in the waiting room, where there were a variety of magazines for you to kill17 the time. After sitting there restlessly and leafing through18 magazines in pain for about 15 minutes, I heard my name called by a nurse. I followed the nurse to a small exam room. There the nurse took my temperature and blood pressure, asked me some questions on family history, and filled in the information. Then she told me to wait, explaining that the doctor would be with me in a minute19. However, the doctor did not show up20 until 10 minutes later. He asked me what was wrong with me. I explained and he listened. Then he told me what might be the problem and prescribed21 some medicine for me. The total time he spent with me was no more than 10 minutes. When I came out of the office, I was thinking to myself, " Did I come here to see the doctor or the nurse?" I had spent more time with the nurse than with the doctor. With the doctor' s prescription, I came to the pharmacy22 to get the medicine. In the States, you cannot get the medicine at the hospital. Most of the supermarkets such as Walmart and Kmart and drug stores have a pharmacy counter. There are two major types of medicines: over-the-counter23 and prescription. Many drugs for common ailments24 such as colds and fevers are available over-the-counter. The medicine the doctor prescribes for you is only obtainable through the pharmacist25. With my insurance, I would pay $ 5 for generic26 drugs and $ 15 for branded drugs. The rest of the expenses would be covered by the insurance company.

  My experience with the hospital did not come to an end after I got my medicine. A week later, I got allergic to27 the medicine, with my mouth and face swollen28 and a rash29 all over my body. I called the doctor immediately. However, he was on call and the nurse answered my phone, telling me to go to the emergency immediately. Feeling extremely painful and also scared by the nurse, I drove to the emergency room right after I hung up. I always thought that patients would be taken care of immediately once they came to the emergency room (called ER in the States)。When I got there, it was just the same as in the regular doctor's office. Again I had to fill in several forms. Again I had to wait in the waiting room. Again I was checked by the nurse for blood pressure and temperature. And again I waited in the emergency room for the doctor to show up. This time the doctor only spent 5 minutes with me, listening to my description and then telling me that I was allergic to the medicine. As soon as I stopped taking the medicine, I should be fine.

  A month later, I got a statement and several bills from the insurance company and the doctor' s office. It turned out that I had to pay 10 dollars for my first visit and 50 dollars for that visit to the emergency room. These payments together are called co-payment, which is the fixed30 amount paid by the patient if he uses these services. The statement from the insurance company showed that the doctors were paid around 60 dollars besides the co-payment out of my own pocket, but only for 10 minutes spent with me. Time is money――this is especially true with the doctor. If I could choose my career again in the States, I would choose a career in medicine.








  1.inefficient adj.无效率的

  2.from time to time 时时,间或

  3.under the weather 不舒服,有病

  4.go by (时间)过去,逝去 vt.符合,应付

  6.cover vt.包括,涉及 adj.牙齿的,牙科的

  8.throw up 呕出,呕吐

  9.period n.(妇女的)经期

  10.turn out 原来是,最后证明是

  11.affiliation n.联系,从属关系

  12.receptionist n.接待员

  13.wrong adj.不正常的,有毛病的 vt.预约

  15.sheet n.一张(纸)

  16.agreement n.协议

  17.kill vt.消磨(时间)

  18.leaf through 草草浏览,匆匆翻阅 a minute 立刻,马上 up 露面

  21.prescribe vt.为…开(药) n.药房,药店

  23.over-the-counter adj. (药)无医生处方也可合法出售的

  24.ailment n.疾病(尤指微恙),病痛

  25.pharmacist n.药商,药剂师

  26.generic adj.非专利的

  27.allergic adj.(与to连用)对…过敏的

  28.swollen adj.肿胀的

  29.rash n.疹,疹子

  30.fixed adj.固定的,确定的

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本文标题:"Time Is money" :Seeing the Doctor in the United stated - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

上一篇:A Dance with Dad 下一篇:Mamma


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