
Why I Love You 我之所以爱你

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Every time I think about you,

I'm reminded of the reasons why I love you

From the deep of my heart and soul.

And I wonder what I'd do without you,

Without your healing smile,

Your words of faith,

The caring and sensitive way you touch me,

Lifting me just when I need it most.

Without you,

What would I have?

What would I be?

I can't imagine existing in a world

Where someone doesn't love me the way you do.

You're the only one

Who’s ever understood me and accepted me for who I am.

And I think you're nothing short of amazing.

Your love has always been and will always be

Life’s greatest gift to me!

You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. I’m Faith. Love is the best and most beautiful thing in the world, though it cannot be seen or even touched-it must be felt with the heart. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul

Every time I think about you,

I'm reminded of the reasons why I love you

From the deep of my heart and soul.

And I wonder what I'd do without you,

Without your healing smile,

Your words of faith,

The caring and sensitive way you touch me,

Lifting me just when I need it most.

Without you,

What would I have?

What would I be?

I can't imagine existing in a world

Where someone doesn't love me the way you do.

You're the only one

Who’s ever understood me and accepted me for who I am.

And I think you're nothing short of amazing.

Your love has always been and will always be

Life’s greatest gift to me!

You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. I’m Faith. Love is the best and most beautiful thing in the world, though it cannot be seen or even touched-it must be felt with the heart. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul

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