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  In his Xian Qing Ou Ji (Notes at Leisure), Li Yu, who styled himself Li Weng, said, "To play chess is not so interesting as to watch others play, for an onlooker has nothing to worry about―gain or loss has nothing to do with him." Watching others playing chess indeed is quite interesting, just like watching bullfighting, cockfighting or cricket-fighting, yet an onlooker also has his own suffering, say, to keep silence while watching. He will have a terrible itch in his throat―itch to speak out. How can one keep his mouth shut and watch a man fall into a snare? However, your advice is usually unwelcome―if it does make some sense, one player will hate you and curse you inwardly, "What a big mouth", while the other, whom you intend to help, will not be grateful to you, "You're telling me! I'm not a fool!" And if there is little or no sense in your advice, both players will give you a snort of contempt, "What a fool!" However, forcing yourself to keep it to yourself, you will feel very much oppressed. No wonder why there was a man who had just got a slap in the face but still cried, "Chariot! The chariot is in danger!"

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本文标题:中英对译:下棋-梁实秋(3) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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