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  Barcelona is regarded as Spain‘s second city,behind capital Madrid. The city is steeped in history,Barcelona was founded by Carthaginians and according to tradition,its name was derived from the great Barker family of ancient Carpage. After numerous different conquers,including the Romans and the Moores that ravaged the city,the Argons made Catalonia,of which Barcelona was the capital. Strong and prosperous. Since the 1970s,the city has reasserted its Catalon background. But it wasn’t until the summer Olympics in 1992 did Barcelona became the modern,vibrant city that it still is today. And with this prosperity has come luxury and fabulous hotels. The Raewon Callas the 1st was opened in 1992,by the King and Queen of Spain. It‘s situated in the north of the city,near the main University and it’s run by Jose Louise Torres.


  With buildings like the Casa Cal Bain and the Casa Minga,Antony Gaudy is credited with making great impact of image of Barcelona. He also built the fantastic Park Quell. Antony Gaudy died in 1926,leaving an unfinished cathedral as his epitaph.


  What are the attractions of coming to Barcelona?


  There are many,many different attractions:culture,leisure,monuments,our architectures,and the gastronomy. Barcelona has commercial areas,shopping areas of five kilometers that goes around to the sea to the north,and on the street and continue at shop at the same time you find the shops. You see our architecture,you see our monuments,our museums,and our restaurants. So there is a mix between shopping and services.


  One label that‘s hot among fashion conscious is MIRO,and these trendy designs of clothing and shoes originate in Barcelona. The region itself now produces for other international labels,like for the Gallic giant Lacose.


  No visit to the city would be complete without a tour of the Nou Camp,the immense home of one of Spain‘s finest teams,Barcelona Football Club. FC Barcelona was founded in 1899 along with the other Spanish team,Real Madrid. It’s one of the greatest football teams in Europe. With players like Maradona and Ronaldo having played for Barca,it‘s easy to explain their success!FC Barcelona is credited to winning more trophy than any other team in European football history. The stadium,the Nou Camp,can hold one hundred and twelve thousand people,making it one of the greatest places to watch and play“the beautiful game”。


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