
9招教你开始美丽的清晨 轻松生活英语阅读

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1.Get an Early Start

Make a habit of washing your face a few hours before bed. If you wait until you're tired, you're more likely to blow it off -- allowing "toxins and dirt to stay on there all night," says dermatologist Laurie Polis of N.Y.C. Another consequence? You miss the best time to treat your skin. At night there's more blood flow to the skin's surface, and there's nothing else on your face to interfere with absorption.

2. Sleep on Your Back

Note to Audrey Hepburn fans: Lying on your stomach is bad for "beauty sleep." The average head weighs 7 to 8 pounds -- a lot of pressure to be putting on your face every night. In fact, many dermatologists say they can tell what side of the face people sleep on by the number of wrinkles there.
给赫本迷的小贴士: 趴着睡觉可是不会变漂亮的哦。人的头部一般重达7-8磅。趴着睡的话,将对脸部造成巨大的压力。事实上,很多皮肤科专家指出可以从一个人脸上的皱纹量看出其睡觉时脸部的朝向。

3. Get a Lift

Sleep with your head elevated on two pillows, or put the headrest area of your bed on 2- to 4-inch pieces of wood. Gravity helps lymph and blood flow so fluid won't accumulate.

4. Save Money, Not Wrinkles

At night you don't need to worry about eye treatments smearing your makeup, so slather on the richest formula you can. Polis swears by Aquaphor: "It conditions lashes and hydrates the delicate eye skin really well."

5. Sneak a Glow

Mix a drop of self-tanner into your night cream or use a cream that contains a bit of tan-producing DHA.
在晚霜中加入一滴仿晒乳或者使用含有仿晒DHA 的乳液。

6. Avoid Carb Face

To wake with defined cheekbones, eat a high-protein, low-sugar dinner (try salmon and asparagus, a natural diuretic). Skip the rice, pasta and potatoes. "When our diet's high in glycemic carbohydrates, our features take on a soft, doughy appearance," says Connecticut dermatologist Nicholas Perricone.

7. Wrap It Up

To minimize A.M. frizz, sleep on a satin pillowcase or put your hair in a silk scarf. Those fabrics are much softer than cotton, so there's less friction.

8. Find Your Inner Ballerina

Pile hair into a twist on the top of your head (use a scrunchie to avoid crimping). In the morning you'll have major volume and beautiful waves.

9. Turn on the Hair Conditioning

Sleep with a moisturizing treatment in damp hair overnight. We like Philip B. Katira Hair Masque, but any rich conditioner will do. Rinse in the morning.
把头发弄湿,上好护发素后再上床睡觉。推荐使用Philip B 的中东修复发膜,但是其他滋润的护发素也是可以的。起床后记得洗干净。

本文标题:9招教你开始美丽的清晨 轻松生活英语阅读 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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