
英语哲理美文欣赏:Silence 沉默 (英汉双语美文)

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silence is soundlessness; silence exists in different forms.

an empty head or a blank mind which leads to speechlessness--that is silence.
enthusiasm fades like dying embers and thus leads to cynicism and indifference to life, which arouses neither happiness nor sadness, neither worries nor anger, and which costs people their interest in and desire for anything--that is silence.

despite all the experiences of love and hate, of disorientation and reorientation, of order-giving that was answered by hundreds and call-issuing that was not answered by a single soul, there is not a word uttered, but only a clam eye that watches on this world--that is also silence.

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本文标题:英语哲理美文欣赏:Silence 沉默 (英汉双语美文) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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