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Nostalgia has a place in everyone's hearts, but no one floods the internet with their sentiments about the past as much as '90s kids. However, since no age group spends online as much time as we do, cut us some slack, why don't you?每个人心里都有一小片怀旧之地,不过要轮谁最喜欢在网上散播怀旧情绪,那一定是90后。但是,在网上浪迹时间最长的也是90后,所以就放他们一马吧!
There are many things that made our childhood special. The CD player that wouldn't fit into any pocket, the legendary Tamagotchi and so on. Most of them are hardly available now, so we have to keep their memories alive. And what better way to do so than creating memes? Scroll down to check out the nostalgic selection of images that will instantly send every '90s kid down the memory lane and upvote your favorites.有很多东西让我们的童年与众不同,不能装进口袋的CD播放器,传奇性的电子宠物等等等等。许多这样的东西现在已经买不到了,我们要用记忆让它们永存。制作一个备忘录无疑是最好的办法。往下看看这些怀旧的照片,它们会让每个90后陷入回忆之河。记得为你最喜欢的一张投票哟。
1.Who remembers unfolding the cassete insert to read the lyrics?展开磁带盒的折页读歌词,谁还记得?
2.So glad I grew up doing this Not this.真幸运我小时候是这样,而不是这样。
3.Kids today will never know what it was like to take a ton of pictures and have to wait a week to find out they were useless.照一沓照片,等一个星期,最后发现这些照片都没用,今天的孩子们永远都不会懂这种感觉。
4.Life before smartphones.智能手机诞生之前的生活。
5.Don't complain about your research project.别抱怨你的研究项目文献综述。
This was my google.这就是我的度娘!
6.How they dress girls today How they dress me.现在的女孩子这样穿衣服;过去他们是怎么打扮我的。
7.Kids these days will never understand.如今的小孩一定不会明白。
8.Kids these days will never know the struggle.如今的小孩永远都不会懂这种挣扎。
9.When it was time to watch a movie in school.每次要在学校里看电影都是这样。
10.The "I grew up with no internet" starter pack.“我小时候没有互联网”回忆第一站。
11.Texting in the 90s;This was the best form of communication.90年代的微信;这是当时最好的交流方式。
12.90s were the best because MTV actually played music.90年代是最棒的年代,因为MTV音乐之声真的会播放音乐。
13.The older I get, the more I wonder what Kevin McAllister's dad did to afford this house and vacation to Paris for 9 people.我年纪越大,越感到惊异:Kevin McAllister(波音民用飞机集团总裁兼CEO)的父亲是怎么赚钱的?能供养一家9口人,买下这么大的房子,还能全家去巴黎旅游。
14.Today's kids will never know the choices you had to make.今天的孩子永远不会知道曾经的你面临着怎样的选择。
15.What my itunes used to look like.过去我的苹果播放器是这样的。
Don't forget about the machine in the trunk of the car that could hold up to five CDs and you could switch from CD to another. That machine was the BOMB!别忘了那种可以放在汽车后备箱里的播放器,可以同时放5张CD,还能换碟。那种播放器真是太厉害了!
16.A kid found this in the creek and asked if it was from the Civil War.一个小孩在小溪里找到了这个,他问我这是不是内战时期的文物。
And the pain of tape coming out, and then you have to put the reel in through clocking in via pen or pencil.别忘了那种痛:磁带被扯出来了,你不得不用钢笔或铅笔插进转孔,把磁带转回去。
17.One burned you alive and the other electrocuted you with static.一个摩擦生热烧屁股,一个摩擦起电、让你带电。
....always stop sliding in the middle of the plastic one, had to butt-scoot the rest of the way down...玩塑料滑滑梯的时候总是会在中间段卡住,剩下的一段必须撅着屁股一点点溜下来...
18.Today's kids will never know the struggle when you lose one of the pieces on these.今天的小孩永远不会懂,当你弄丢一只这样的笔芯时内心的痛苦。
I still think these were rather revolutionary and I miss them.我还是觉得这种替换笔芯非常有创意,我很想念它们。
19.Blocking someone in the 90's.90年代屏蔽别人电话的方法。
You know, if you just unplug it you'll avoid the annoying off-the-hook sound.你造吗,其实你可以直接拔掉电话线,这样就不会听到电话没挂好时发出的报警盲音了。
20.What kids have these days今天的小孩有苹果手表
What we had当年的我们有糖果手表
And on hot days,the sweets would melt against your arm and you'd end up looking like you was wearing a colour chart.天气热的时候,糖果会融化,糖水会黏在你的手腕上,结果就是,你的手腕上出现了一个彩色图表。

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本文标题:没有iPhone的童年是这样的,好怀念 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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