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How to Take Initiative at Work: doing your homework

As many prosperous businesspeople already know,preparation is often the key to success in any endeavor1. You may be socially adept2 at work and have a pleasant enough personality, but you'll be more likely to convince others that your solution is the right one if you have the facts on your side. Doing your homework means taking the initiative to be prepared for any challenge: making a presentation,participating in a meeting, advancing a new idea to your boss, overhauling3 company processes and procedures. And doing your homework also means doing the basic research necessary to back up4 whatever claims you are making. One especially critical factor to consider is the culture of the organization you work for: each organization has its own set of values and norms5--the ideals that are held in high esteem6 by management and used as models for good employee behavior. For your initiatives to be successful, you have to tailor your approach accordingly7.Here are some suggestions:

1.Research your organization's culture by talking with your colleagues--both workers and managers--about what norms, values,and beliefs are most important to your organization and to the individuals who work within it. 2.Map out8 your organization's decision-making channels and take time to get to know each person in the channels you wish to influence. 3.Seek out and develop informal channels for influencing others in your organization, in a way consistent with the organization's culture. 4. Cultivate9 networks of coworkers who can support you in your efforts and influence others on your behalf. 5.As you prepare to influence others in your organization, be sure that your anticipated approach is consistent10 with the organization's culture.





1.endeavor [ in5devE ] n.努力,尽力










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本文标题:如何在工作中积极进取 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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