
英语诗歌:Get'cha Head in the Game

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简介 Get'cha Head in the Game
  Troy Bolton(Performed by Zac Efron)   【特洛伊·波顿(扎克·埃夫隆饰)】
  Ray Chem, Greg Chem and Andrew Seeley   【雷·查姆,格雷格·查姆和安德鲁·希利】
  2006 Walt Disney Music Company (ASCAP)/ Five Hundred South Songs (SESAC)
  Ray "Sol Survivor" Cham
  Coach said to fake right
  And break left
  Watch out for the pick
  And keep an eye on defense
  Gotta run the give and go
  And take the ball to the hole
  But don't be afraid
  To shoot the outside "j"
  Just keep ya head in the game
  Just keep ya head in the game
  And don't be afraid
  To shoot the outside "j"
  Just keep ya head in the game
  U gotta
  get'cha get'cha head in the game
  We gotta
  Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game
  U gotta
  get'cha get'cha head in the game
  We gotta
  Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game
  Come on
  get'cha get'cha head in the game
  We gotta
  Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game
  U gotta
  get'cha get'cha head in the game
  We gotta
  Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game
  Let’s make sure
  That we get the rebound
  'cause when we get it
  Then the crowd will go wild
  A second chance
  Gotta grab it and go
  Maybe this time
  We’ll hit the right notes
  Wait a minute
  It’s not the time or place
  Wait a minute
  Get my head in the game
  Wait a minute
  Get my head in the game
  Wait a minute
  Wait a minute
  I gotta
  Get my, get my head in the game
  You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
  I gotta
  Get my, get my head in the game
  You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
  Come on
  Get my, get my head in the game
  You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
  I gotta
  Get my, get my head in the game
  You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
  Why am I feeling so wrong?
  My head's in the game
  But my heart's in the song
  She makes this feel so right
  Should I got for it
  Better shake this, yikes!
   I gotta
  Get my, get my head in the game
   You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
  I gotta
  Get my, get my head in the game
  You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
  Come on
  Get my, get my head in the game
  You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
  I gotta
  Get my, get my head in the game
   You gotta
  get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game.
High School Musical 歌舞青春歌曲汇总

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