妈妈是最美丽的人Mother Is the Most Beautiful Person
Mother is praised by people around the world, indeed, mother is so great, she gives birth to us, teaching us how to face the world and takes care of us all the time. If you ask me who is the most beautiful person in the world, there is no doubt that my mother is the most beautiful person in my eye. I love her so much, no one can take place of her. 世界上的人都在歌颂妈妈,确实,妈妈是很伟大的,她给予了我们生命,教会我们如何面对世界和无时无刻不在关心着我们。如果你问我谁是世界上最美丽的人,我会毫不犹豫说在我看来,我的妈妈是最美丽的人。我很爱她,没有人可以代替她。 If you are asked who you think is the most beautiful person in the world, I will say that my mother is the most beautiful person in the world, she means so much to me. She is the person who takes care of me all the time, when I feel unhappy, she is the first one realizes it and comfort me. My mother is a homely woman, but she is kind-hearted, I love her so much.www.yingyuzuowen.cn 如果你被问到谁是世界上最漂亮的人,我会说我妈妈是世界上最漂亮的人,她对我来说很重要。她随时都关心着我,当我不开心的时候,她是第一个发现我不开心,然后安慰我。我的妈妈长得很普通,但是她很热心,我很爱她。 Everyone comes the world with a mother, it is mother who gives birth to us and then raises us with her patience and caring. There is a Mothers’ Day every year, it is to remind people of their honor to their mothers. There is no doubt that mother is the most beautiful person in the world. We should visit our mother often, though we are busy, company them and talk to them. 每个人来到这个世界上,都有一个妈妈,妈妈是给予我们生命的人,她用她的耐心和关爱养育了我们。每年都有母亲节,这个为了提醒人们要尊敬母亲。毫无疑问,妈妈是世界上最漂亮的人。我们应该经常访问我们的母亲,虽然很忙,陪伴她们,和她们聊聊。