合作的力量 The Power of Cooperation
I was used to do things by my own, because I did not like to cooperate with other person, for I thought it was so easy and quick for me to finish the job. But since I went to high school, I thought I could not do things on my own any more, I needed someone else’s help. Take the biology homework for example. The teacher asked us to do some researches and then handed in the conclusion in the next class. It took me some time to finish the research, what’s more, I did not have enough time to do all the researches, so if I cooperated with other students, we could share our researches and then made the overall conclusion. It not only saved my time, but also helped me to promote the communication with my classmate. Cooperation has the great power. 我习惯了自己做事情,因为我不喜欢与他人合作,因为独自行动对我来说是那么容易并且快速完成这项工作。但自从我上了高中,我觉得我不能只靠自己去做事情,我需要别人的帮助。以生物学作业为例。老师要我们做一些研究,然后下节课交结论。这会花费我一些时间来完成这项研究,更为重要的是,我没有足够的时间去做研究,如果我与其他同学合作,我们可以分享我们的研究,然后做出更为全面的结论。不仅节省了我的时间,还促进了我与同学的沟通。合作的力量很大。