
向农民朋友致敬 Pay tribute to the farmers

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向农民朋友致敬 Pay tribute to the farmers  提纲:  1. 建议我们应该有农民节。  2. 设立农民节的原因。  [范文]  There are a lot of annual public holidays in China, such as Labor's Day, Children's Day and National Day. But I think we should celebrate another holiday -- Farmer's Day.  在中国有很多年的公共假日,比如劳动节,儿童节和国庆节。但是我想我们应该庆祝另一个节日--农民节。  Why should there be Farmer's Day?  为什么要有农民节?  First of all, China is a large agfieukural country. The majority of the population is farmers. Farmers play a vital role in China. They provide food, without which we cannot live. Also, farmers support industry with various kinds of raw materials.  首先,中国是一个大的agfieukural国。人口多数是农民。农民在中国扮演着重要的角色。他们提供食物,没有我们就不能活。同时,农民支持工业的各种原料。  Most farmers work hard from dawn to dusk, with little time to rest or entertain themselves.  大多数农民从黎明到黄昏很辛苦地工作,几乎没有时间休息或娱乐。  Some people look down upon farmers because they think they do not do "mental labor."  有些人看不起农民,因为他们认为他们不做“脑力劳动”。  I suggest there should be a Farmer's Day to show respect for the 800 million farmers in China. This would help people realize the contri butions farmers make to society and would raise their social status.  我建议应该有一个农民节来表示尊重中国的800000000个农民。这将帮助人们实现与农民为社会做出贡献,提高他们的社会地位


本文标题:向农民朋友致敬 Pay tribute to the farmers - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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