
为什么在我们眼里学校生活是枯燥的?Why School Is Dull in Our Eyes

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Why School Is Dull in Our Eyes

Whenever we talk about holidays, there is always a pretty smile on our faces. But when we realize our holidays will soon be over and we have to return to school, we feel a bit sad. This is not because we hate study. What we hate is our dull life at school.

The scope①of our school life is nothing more than our school, or even the much smaller classroom. Every day, every term, we have our lessons in the same classroom repeatedly. We have no chance to get in touch with society to enrich our life. School is just like a cage that binds②our thoughts and behaviors. How can we teenagers stay in a cage? For the teenagers it is just time that our own characters are formed. One's character must be moulded through practice and experiences. But the school passes us knowledge merely from text books. And no student can free himself from so many kinds of homework. Can we form our character in this way? No, never!

We can not make free use of our time. Everyday we are forced to do what we don't like to do. Everyday we have to study for better scores. We just don't want to be slaves of scores. Sometimes we do not even have time to read newspapers. Once I heard that one of us did not even know who Ronald Reagan③ is. But most of our teachers at school think that good scores are more important than stronger characters. They highly praise students who achieve good scores instead of praising those with strong characters.

All of us hope that life is becoming richer and richer, and the scope of life much wider. In school we should acquire not only knowledge, but also learn to understand nature of life. If school life is full of fun and interests, I believe we will enjoy school life much better.


①scope [sk up] n.范围;眼界

②bind [baind] v.捆;束缚

③Ronald Reagan['r&n ld 'reig n] 罗纳德·里根(美国总统名)


本文作者在引言段为自己立论“What we hate is our dull life at school.”。接着,作者在正文中运用因果辩证关系对这一论点进行了直接论证。如果我们把“our dull life at school”看作结果的话,那么本文就是由结果推断原因了。作者根据自身的体验和学校存在的事实,分析出了两方面的原因:一是教学脱离实际、脱离社会,二是学校推行的是应试教育。最后,作者的结论是多姿多彩的学校生活才不会枯燥。

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