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Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 film which tells the story of a divorce and its impact on everyone involved, including the couple's young son. In Kramer vs. Kramer, Joanna Kramer, a Smith College graduate, is a stay-at-home mother for her son Billy. Feeling confined in this role, and neglected by her husband Ted, Joanna leaves the marriage in order to find herself a life.

Ted, who has been focusing on his career in advertising, and was just given his agency's biggest new account, is shocked by Joanna's decision and is left to raise Billy by himself. With the help of his neighbor and Joanna's friend, Margaret, Ted comes to understand why his ex-wife Joanna left. In the process, he also becomes more invested in raising Billy than in his job.

About a year and a half after leaving, Joanna returns to New York in order to claim Billy, and a custody battle ensues. The courts side with the mother. But Joanna knows that his son's true home is with Ted, and she chooses to let Billy stay with his father.

There is an amazing cultural impact in Kramer vs. Kramer which I like best. It reflected a cultural shift that occurred during the 1970s and the period of second-wave feminism, when ideas about motherhood and fatherhood were changing in American society!

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