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Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. It's the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them everywhere.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect. It can make a person successful. We should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.But I think it is not opportunity itself that decides a person's success or failure. It is fair to every person, I think. To grasp the opportunity, we need knowledge, skill and experience. In a word, opportunity is important but not decisive.

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本文标题:机遇(Opportunity) - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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