Shenzhen English Corner

我爱你,中国(I love you ,China)

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我爱你,中国(I love you ,China)

My fellow chinese , ask not what your countr can do for you , ask what you can do for your country . Nw, I think nobody can say that rises for China to stuy . I want to say I can't , but I will place my patriotic heart in my left side pocket .

Perhaps you yearned for that the foreign life condition superior or has the advance science and technology to think China is not an ideal country . Then I will tell you , you are wrong . Some developed country at material rich time otfen hiding CRIsis .For example present's financial CRIsis . Some Asian area's country have many dispute with religious , also have Terriorist organization's attact . China is one of four ancient nations , has five sthound historical culture .Now she is a great country which turns toward harmoniously develop .

When you stand on the Great Wall , when you walk along the bank of Yellow river , when you hear the anthen resound , isn't your mood excieted ?

Although my matherland experienced many tribulations , but I belive that only have exprienced then can become formidable . I love you, my matherland . I love you , China .

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本文标题:我爱你,中国(I love you ,China) - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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