
关于提高健康的方法(Methods on the improvement of health)

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i think i am quite healthy, the methods i employed includs the following several: 1st, mood tranquil: did not worry the loss wealth and the prestige, the family, the friend and individual conscience are more important.

2nd, life simple: does not put on the ostentatious clothes, the plain food, associates with the human by at will primarily, not by any means the anxious merit. 3rd, by step of generation of vehicle: the automobile once let me consume the massive energy, therefore was always trying to conflict this kind of showing off expense. 4th, swimming exercise: each week probably has two times of swimming, the enhancement heart and lungs function, the maintenance exuberant work power. 5th, daily reflected on that, every day three provinces: is disloyal for the friend? the manner does not believe? is not dense for the matter?

through the above several ways,you can keep fit and healthy.please try them,if you have interest..

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本文标题:关于提高健康的方法(Methods on the improvement of health) - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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