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1. 表层进/表举例/表解释/表总结/表强调/表让步/表比较/表转折/表时间/表层进

first, firstly to begin with

second, secondly to start with

third, thirdly what’s more

also and then

and equally important

besides in addition

further in the first place

still furthermore

last last but not the least

next besides

too moreover


2. 表举例

for example for instance

to illustrate as an illustration

after all

3. 表解释

as a matter of fact frankly speaking

in this case namely

in other words

4. 表总结

in summary in a word

in brief in conclusion

to conclude in fact

indeed in short

in other words of course

it is true specially

namely in all

that is to summarize

thus as has been said

altogether in other words

finally in simpler terms

in particular that is

on the whole to put it differently


5. 表强调

of course indeed

above all most important

emphasis certainly in fact

6. 表让步

still nevertheless

in spite of all the same

even so after all

concession granted naturally

of course

7. 表比较

in comparison likewise

similarly equally

however likewise

in the same way

8. 表转折

by contrast although

at the same time but

in contrast nevertheless

notwithstanding on the contrary

on the other hand otherwise

regardless still

though yet

despite the fact that even so

even though for all that

however in spite of


9. 表时间

after a while afterward

again also

and then as long as

at last at length

at that time before

besides earlier

eventually finally

formerly further

furthermore in addition

in the first place in the past

last lately

meanwhile moreover

next now

presently second

shortly simultaneously

since so far

soon still

subsequently then

thereafter too

until until now


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