
英语作文-高考 私家车越来越多,由此产生好多问题,请就此提提你的建议。

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With the development of economics as well as the improving life standard, more and more people possess private cars.

As each coin has two sides, there are also disadvantages in such a trend. First of all, the air and noise pollution is undoubtedly going from bad to worse. The poisonous gas the private cars send out is not only of great harm to the environment around us, but to our human bodies as well, especially to the respiratory systems. Private cars, of their owners most are new drivers, meanwhile, are consequently easy to result in traffic jams or even accidents. You can imagine how worrying the situation can be when you are in a hurry!

Such being the case, some immediate measures must be taken to prevent it in my opinion. For instance, we should pay more attention to the environmental protection to refresh the air, if possible, to reduce the noise level. It is expected that more advanced technology can make it a reality to replace the poisonous gas with one which both saves energy and causes no harm, thus making our daily life more satisfying!

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本文标题:英语作文-高考 私家车越来越多,由此产生好多问题,请就此提提你的建议。 - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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