
名人是否应该拥有隐私 Should Celebrity Have Privacy?

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What is the best selling paper in the world? The answer is amusement newspaper. When people are having a chat, they always talk about the celebrity, it has become part of our life. People like to chase after the famous person, they even treat them as their idols, as fans, they want to know everything about their idols. So the journalists like to peep at the celebrity’s private life, they want to expose everything about them, so the paper can sell more. As celebrities, they condemn the journalists’ behavior, they call on the public to give them more private space. Though they are celebrities, they should have space, the public should let them take a breath. When they are in the public, the journalists can shot whatever they want, while the celebrity goes home, the journalists should not follow celebrities any more, because they are off work.


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