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One rich man(英语幽默)

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Joke:One rich man

One day this rich guy was having a party at his house. He was loaded, and he had everything; money, a big house in

Beverly Hills, girls, cars, planes; anything he wanted.

The guy was also a little eccentric, and he had filled his pool with crocodiles.

So there he was, him and his friends all standing around drinking, = getting lit and partying next to the pool. The guy gets up on the = lifeguard tower and all his friends look up. He calls for silence and says "OK, the first person the swims across my pool will get all my money."

No one moves. The guy looks over the crowd and says:=20

"OK, the first person that swims across my pool gets all my money and my house." Still no one moves.

"OK then, the first person the swims across my pool gets all my money, my house and all my cars and planes."Still, no one moves, not even a eye blinks this time.

"OK then, all my money, my house, all my cars, all my planes, all my property, all my stocks and bonds and investments and all the girls = you can handle; everything I own."

"Splash!" Someone's in the pool. Crocodiles are all over him, but he rolls over like Tarzan, he's all over the place, fighting and dodging. Finally he gets out of the pool on the other side. The rich guy on the tower jumps downand runs over to him.

"That was incredible! I never thought that I would ever see that done! Do you want the money now or later?"

"I don't want the money."

"Do you want the house now or later?"

"I don't want the house."

"Do you want the cars and planes now or later?"

"I don't want the cars or the planes."

"Do you want the bonds, stocks and stuff now or later?"

"I don't want that either."

"Do you want the girls now or later?"

"I don't want the girls."

The rich guy looks at him and says "Well what the hell do you want?!?!"

"I want the bastard that pushed me in."

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本文标题:One rich man(英语幽默) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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