
第129期双语笑话加练习题 谁的狗最聪明

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  Four friends were arguing over whose dog was the smartest. The first man, an engineer, called to his dog, "T Square, show your stuff. " The dog trotted over to a desk, pulled out a paper and pencil, and drew a perfect triangle.
  The next guy, an accountant, called to his dog, "Slide Rule, go ahead. " The dog went to the kitchen, nibbled opened a bag of cookies and pided the contents into four equal piles.
  The next man, a chemist, beckoned his dog, Beaker, to show what he could do. The dog went to the fridge, took out a quart of milk and poured out exactly eighty ounces into a measuring cup.
  The last man was a government worker. "Coffee Break," he hollered to his dog, "go to it. " With that, the dog jumped to his feet, soiled the paper, ate the cookies and drank the milk.
  (1) do (show) your stuff显显你的本领;露一手
  (2) trot v. 疾走;快步走
  (3) triangle n.三角形
  (4) accountant n会计
  (5) nibble v.轻咬
  (6) beckon v.招手令他人走近或跟着来
  (7) ounce n.盎司(重量单位,常衡为1/16磅)
  (8) holler v.喊叫
  (9) soil v.弄脏;弄污
  ① What were the four friends arguing about?
  ② What did the first man's dog do?
  ③ How many parts did the second man's dog pide the cookies into?
  ④ How much milk did the third man's dog pour into the measuring cup?
  ⑤ Can we find out whose dog was the smartest?
     ① They were arguing about whose dog was the smartest.
  ② He drew a perfect triangle.
  ③ Four.
  ④ Eight ounces.
  ⑤ The fourth man's dog was the smartest.

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本文标题:第129期双语笑话加练习题 谁的狗最聪明 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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