
Reward these soldiers for their work

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  A British General had sent some of his men off to fight for their country in the Falkland Island Crisis.

  Upon returning to England from the South American island, three soldiers that had distinguished themselves in battle were summoned to the General's office. "Since we weren't actually at war," the General began, "I can't give out any medals. We did, however, want to let each of you know your efforts were appreciated.

  What we've decided to do is to let each of you choose two points on your body. You will be given two pounds sterling for each inch of distance between those parts. We'll start on the left, boys, so what'll it be?"

  Soldier 1: "The tip of me head to me toes, sahr!" General: "Very good son, that's 70 inches which comes to 140 pounds"

  Soldier 2: "The tip of the finger on one outstretched hand to the tip of the other, sir!"

  General: "Even better son, that's 72 inches which comes to 144 pounds"

  Soldier 3: "The palm of me hand to the tip of me left pinky, sahr!"

  General: "That's a strange but fair request, son!

  As the general begins the measurement: "What! Son, where is your left pinky?"

  Soldier 3: "Falkland Island, sahr!"

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