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  A drunk stands up in a bar and shouts, "All Lawyers are scumbags". Another drunk stands up and yells, "Hey, I resent that remark". The first drunk yells. "Why are you a lawyer". "No", said the second drunk, "I'm a scumbag".


  一喝醉了的人在一声酒吧呼喊,"所有的律师都是无赖" 。 另外的一个喝醉了的人站起来而且大叫,"嗨,我反对那一个评论". 开始的喝醉者大叫。 " 为什么是你一位律师?". "没有", 说那第二的喝醉了的,"我是一个无赖" 。


  remark n.评论;意见

  rude remarks粗鲁的话

  Such unkind remark was not called for.


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本文标题:Lawyers - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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