
Doctors Joke (78)

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  Grandma Goldberg,a woman of 85,was slowly ambling down the street when she met her physician Dr. Cohen. Dr. Cohen,a dapper graying man in his early 60‘s asked the elderly lady――“Mrs. Goldberg how are you feeling?”

  For a long moment the woman gave the good doctor a terrible stare and then she said――“You ask me how I‘m feeling!I’ll tell you how I‘m feeling!!My legs hurt,my chest is sore,my heart is beating too fast and I can’t sleep!!!I have horrible headaches and stomach pains too!”

  The good doctor looked at the elderly lady with compassion,“If you‘re feeling so awful,why don’t you come and see me right away?”

  Grandma Goldberg let out a sigh and said,“I was just waiting until I felt a little better.”

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