
Entertainment Joke(5)

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  There was a lady who had triplets. Shut up,Be quiet,and Trouble. One day she told the boys to go buy her some milk from the store. They set off. When they got there the walked around looking for the dairy section. Somewhere along the line a big mob of people came and Trouble got lost. Shut Up and Be Quiet went to a police officer that was buying some bread.

  Officer:What is your name?

  Shut Up:Shut Up.

  Officer:What is your name?

  Shut Up:Shut Up.

  Since Shut Up was not cooperating he asked Be Quiet.

  Officer:What is your name?

  Be Quiet:Be Quiet.

  Officer:What is your name?

  Be Quiet:Be Quiet.

  Officer:(really getting irritated)Are you guys looking for trouble?

  Shut up and Be quiet:YES,YES,HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?

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