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A Local Anesthetic

One night an injured man came to the hospital where I am an anesthesiologist. The surgical resident examined him andtold the patient he would be given a local anesthetic before thesu turing began."Doc!"the patient protesed vehemently."I don't want a local one.Give me the best. An imported one."


一天晚上,一个伤员来到我当麻醉师的那个医院。住院外科医生为他做了检查,他告诉病人在缝合伤口之前他得接 受局部麻醉。“医生!”病人激烈地抗议。“我不要本地麻药,给我最好的。要进口麻药。”

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本文标题:本地麻药 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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