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You've Lost

On her return from school,little Dolly,aged ten,was pulled on to her Daddy's knee,and informed that the fairies had that day brought a big surprise a little baby brother.She see med glad,and presently said:

"Will you give me a stamp,daddy?I want to write and tell brother Tom."

The father was touched by this,and provided the little lass with the materials to write a letter to her brother,who was away at school.Later,curious to know how she would tell the news,he took an opportunity to read what she had writen.He received something of a shock on reading the following:

"Dear Tom, It's come off today.You've lost;it's a boy."



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本文标题:你输了 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

上一篇:心不在焉的老师 下一篇:是哪两个词?


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