
E-MAIL英文高手 No. 33 《我想引用您的論文,希望徵得您的同意……》

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Dear Dr. Roe:

I am writing to ask for your permission to quote some parts of your excellent paper, "Sexual Harassment in the Office," which you posted on your personal Web page last week.

Our company is presently considering an overhaul of its policy on sexual harassment, and I have been asked to compile a preliminary set of recommendations or guidelines. I think your extremely well-researched paper on this subject would be very helpful in preparing my report. I would very much appreciate your kind permission via e-mail. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Tina Fang (

Mgr., Personnel Dept.

Taipei Business House, Inc.

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本文标题:E-MAIL英文高手 No. 33 《我想引用您的論文,希望徵得您的同意……》 - 英语书信格式_英语写信格式_英语求职信


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